School Council
Our School Council is made up of two representatives from each class in Year One and Year Two. The children are voted for by their fellow class members in our annual school council elections.
We believe that children should be given opportunities to contribute to decisions and have a ‘voice’ in school. We are firm believers that this school belongs to the children as much as the adults and should understand how decisions are made and be part of that process.
What has the Council changed?
Our School Council has been involved in discussing the behaviour policy and has given ideas for playground games and activities. They have a small budget to purchase additional playtime equipment.
School Council members have discussed lunchtimes and have had some really good ideas for improving this time of the day. They have also talked about the school grounds and have planted flowers in the flower beds to make the school look nice and welcoming.
The School Council has proactively fundraised for the school. Members talked to their classmates and came up with different fundraising ideas. These included film nights, gift sales and more discos. The events were very well supported and each class has had some money to buy wet play equipment. They have also looked at ways of improving the environment at lunchtimes in the hall e.g. music and a special table for birthday children so they can sit with their friends.
In addition to raising money for the school, the School Council members have a sponsored charity, the RSPCA. They invited RSPCA officers into school to speak to the children at an assembly which launched the fundraising effort. The Council members also had the lovely idea of everyone writing thank you letters to the NHS staff at Medway Maritime hospital. The letters were copied and sent and some were made into this fantastic display.