
Our school follows the criteria for school admissions as published by Medway Local Education Authority.

Click on the link below for information about applying for a school place in Medway.

Medway Admissions Information

You can find our school policies in our Important Policies section of our website

The Headteacher is pleased to meet each child with their parents prior to starting school or Nursery. Parents may make an appointment to be shown the school, to see the children at work and meet members of staff. Please contact the school office for further information.

What happens when your child first starts School?

Children are admitted into one of our Reception Year classes initially on a part time basis (either a morning or an afternoon session) to enable your child to settle happily into school routines and to enable the staff to get to know them and you really well. This settling in period lasts for the first two weeks in September and then the children attend full time.

New entrant children are invited to introductory sessions before they start school, giving them opportunities to get to know their classroom, teacher and peer groups. The Head Teacher also arranges a meeting for all parents of new children, when school routines are explained and a welcome pack is given to each parent.

A private appointment is made for each parent and child to meet the class teacher before your child actually starts school. This is an opportunity for them both to discuss the welfare and education of your child. You will be asked to complete a “Starting School” questionnaire during this meeting. Please do not be concerned if your child cannot do all the things mentioned on the questionnaire. The information that you give is very helpful to class teachers and they can advise you as to how to support your child in settling into school.

Our school is a happy, welcoming environment and most children settle in quickly and easily. However, if your child does experience initial anxieties, please discuss these with the class teacher or make an appointment with the Early Years Lead Teacher or the Head Teacher and we will do all we can to help.

What happens during the first year at school?

Parents are invited to a series of curriculum meetings during the first year of your child’s schooling. You will also have the opportunity to meet the School Nurse, Attendance Advisory Practitioner and School Governors.

Moving on?

When your child reaches Year 2, you may apply for your child to be transferred to a Junior School in the September after their seventh birthday. An admission form should be completed for the preferred Junior School.

We have established close links with Delce Junior Academy to ensure that children who transfer to the school are happy and confident. Year 2 teachers liaise with the Year 3 teachers on a regular basis and the children spend time in each other’s classrooms. The Year 3 team leader spends time in our Year 2 classrooms during the Summer Term. Subject Leaders liaise with their Junior counterpart in the interests of the children’s continuity and progression of learning. Year 3 children return to the school to join us for some school celebrations. There are also regular meetings between the Headteachers.